Roman Around

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Posts Tagged ‘Inside The Beltway’


Posted by Andrew Roman on August 13, 2009

It was HIM!

It was HIM!

As Obamacrats – in consort with the main stream media – continue to do everything they can to shift attention from ObamaCare to those speaking out against it, the attempts to paint these people as fringies, demagogues and, yes, racists are well underway.

It is Marginalization 101.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman says that racism is at the heart of the town hall protests.

MSNBC’S Chris Matthews believes that “some of the people are upset because we have a black president.”

Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution thinks that “45 to 65% of the people who appear at these groups are people who will never be comfortable with the idea of a black president.”

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, said town hall protestors were “carrying swastikas and symbols like that.”

And so on.

It couldn’t possibly be because ObamaCare stinks.

Libs would have us believe that only people who take to the streets calling for the end to war are patriotic dissenters. Only those who rally against the dangers of global warming are genuinely concerned citizens called to a cause. Only those who carry “BUSH: WANTED, DEAD OR ALIVE” signs with an “X” over the word “ALIVE” are legitimately redressing their grievances. Only protestors who carry posters of George W. Bush’s face with the words “F— YOU, MOTHERF—ER!” underneath are compelled to do so for appropriate reasons. Only activists who display “CHRISTIAN FASCISM” signs with a swastika in place of the letter S can be taken seriously.

Otherwise, it is all “manufactured.”

It isn’t “grass roots,” it’s “astroturf.”

Ever since Pelosi exposed what was clearly a ubiquitous “swastika” culture running through the ranks of the “astroturfers” who disrupt townhall meetings, much has been made of a poster depicting President Obama with a Hitler moustache. This stupendously stupid poster is evidence, according to the pro-Obama set, that the folks showing up at these town hall meetings are nothing more than hate-filled, angry, pitchfork wielding right-wingers – quite possibly organized and dispatched by Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter.

In covering the growing outrage over Obamacare, the alphabet channels have made love to the poster.

To read it or hear it from the mainstreamers, these vehemently anti-Obama displays are happening with enormous regularity across the country. In fact, one could understandably infer that swastikas abound at these town hall meetings, and that posters featuring Obama with his Hitlerian cookie duster are plastered as far as the eye can see.

Yadda, yadda.

Of course, it is as political as it is disingenuous, all meant to cast conservatives in a negative light – even though a considerable portion of those opposed to the Bama-langa-ding-dong health care proposals are Democrats.

The problem is … the Obama-with-a-moustache poster was not created by a conservative. It originated with the Lyndon LaRouche movement.

Remember him? The eight-time Presidential candidate who ran as a Democrat in seven elections (and once as a member of the US Labor Party)?

From today’s Washington Times Inside The Beltway column:

NBC, MSNBC and CNN have showcased a controversial image of President Obama depicted as Hitler during recent news coverage of contentious town-hall meetings and health care reform.

“They run dialogue and video over this poster and clearly imply that either Rush Limbaugh or ‘conservatives’ in general are behind the image, which they use as a symbol of extremism. But look closely, and you discover the real credit. It goes to the Lyndon LaRouche political action committee. You can see it. It’s right there,” Seton Motley tells Inside the Beltway.

The Media Research Center communications director and blogger calls the coverage “pathetic journalism” that fails to inform the public about the origins of the image or important health care legislation.

“Are these major news organizations willfully ignorant? They make a slap at the right when this Obama-as-Hitler poster is clearly coming from the left. It’s absurd, and it’s dangerous. The public is not getting the real story,” Mr. Motley says.

The LaRouche folks deny nothing.

“The image of Obama with a toothbrush mustache was initiated by LaRouche PAC organizers. The captions vary: ‘Is This Your President?’ was one; a recent one was ‘I’ve changed.’ ” spokeswoman Nancy Spannaus tells Beltway.

“Lyndon LaRouche and his organization have declared war against Obama’s so-called health care reform because it is a direct copy of the policy Hitler declared in October 1939, when Hitler issued the order for euthanasia against those determined, by a board of medical experts, to have ‘lives unworthy to be lived,’ ” Ms. Spannaus says.

“LaRouche has also put forward the clear alternative: cancel the bailout and HMOs, implement bankruptcy reorganization of the financial system, and return to the Hill-Burton system that made our health care the best in the world.”

Dan Gainer at the great NewsBusters website writes:

For eight years in America, protest was in and all the cool kids did it. We had flamboyantly dressed Code Pinkers demonstrating at conventions and in sessions of Congress, calling Marine recruiters “traitors” and protesting wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Then there were the crazies from Acorn stalking Wall Street executives at their homes. And anti-war lefty Cindy Sheehan got so much news coverage from the major networks and top newspapers that they practically had to create a bureau to handle her antics.

Through it all, the left whined that President George Bush was a fascist – with “BusHitler” a common term among the foam-at-mouth Birkenstock set. (Google Bush and Hitler and you’ll get more than 1 million hits including a bunch of Photoshopped images of Bush in a Nazi uniform with a Hitler mustache.) We were supposed to bear with it. Dissent was patriotic we were told. Those hate-spewing anti-war activists really loved our soldiers – especially when they were mocking the war right outside a veteran’s hospital. And the endless stream of Nazi comparisons were just free speech, after all.

As talk show host Dennis Prager says often, “First state the facts, then give your opinion.”

I like that line.

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